Library Card

The Corning Public Library does not issue actual library cards.  Patrons will fill out a card with their name, address and phone number.  This information will be entered into the library's circulation program to be used by the librarian for check-outs.

Confidentiality Policy

The Board of Trustees of the Corning Public Library recognizes that the circulation records of this library are confidential in nature and advises all library employees that such records shall not be made available to anyone, including any agency of federal, state, or local government except pursuant to federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal or administrative investigatory power.

The Corning Public Library will comply with the Open Records law (Chapter 68A of the Code of Iowa):

"The records of a library which, by themselves or when examined with other public records, would reveal the identify of the library patron checking out or requesting an item from the library. The records shall be released to a criminal justice agency only pursuant to an investigating or particular person or organization suspected committing a know crime. The records shall be released only upon a judicial determination that a rational connection exists between the requested release of information and a legitimate end and that the need for the information is cogent and compelling."

For Parents

Any child under 14 will need a parent/guardian to fill out the card and sign it when first getting a library card.  The parent/guardian is responsible for all materials checkout by a minor.

Borrowing Privileges

Books and audiobooks can be checked out for 14 days and can be renewed for an additional 14 days.  You can check out 2 DVDs for 2 days.  Games and STEM backpacks can be checked out for one week.  If you need your materials renewed you can do it in person or over the phone.  There is a dropbox outside the library to turn in materials.  Please return games and backpacks inside at the front desk.  Books and audiobooks will have a $.10 per day fine past the due date.  DVDs, games, and STEM backpacks will be charged $1.00 per day fine past the due date. Fines will accure up to item's replacement cost.

Overdue, Lost, Damaged Materials

A book that is 2 weeks over due will have a phone call made to the patron who has the book. When the book is 4 weeks overdue a letter will be sent regarding the past due book. When the book is 6 weeks over due a bill covering the cost of the book will be sent to the patron with the past due book. If the material is of value to the collection (as determined by the librarian), the patron will be sent a registered letter at 2 months after the due date, informing him/her of the law regarding overdue materials and our intention to pursue repossession. The material (or payment for its replacement) must be received within 5 working days or we will pursue further legal action. If a response is not received in 5 working days the matter will be turned over to the Corning Police Department or the Adams County Sheriff Department. Patrons will no longer have library privileges until the book is returned or paid for.  

Lost or damaged materials must be replaced at the value of the item.


If a material you would like is currently checked out, you can ask to be put on the hold list for the item.  When it is checked back in if you are next on the hold list for it, we will give you a call to let you know it is available for you.